Monday, December 30, 2019

Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse

Looking for something lighter than usual, I suggested Wodehouse's Jeeves books to my book club. Since there are so many, we decided we would each choose whichever one we wanted. I decided on Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse. I'd already read Right Ho, Jeeves, (my post here) and although Carry On was written before, it refers to events from the latter book as having already happened. Hmmmm.No matter, the book was delightful. This time, it is up to Bertram Wooster, the young playboy, to patch up the engagement of Gussie Fink-Nottle to Madeline Basset lest the young woman come after Wooster. Of course Bertie makes a mess of all and Jeeves swoops in to rescue him as only Jeeves, the "gentlemen's gentleman" can.

I love the subtle and not-so-subtle humor of the books. I love Wooster's inner monologue and self-awareness while having lack of self-awareness. I love Jeeves, while being always agreeable, manages to finesse events to his will. Wodehouse is a genius and his books, although light-hearted and very funny, are so well-written they deserve the accolades given him.

One particularly clever bit after Wooster has narrowly avoided being seen by Plank, a man who has it out for him:
Wooster: You may be happy, but I haven't been for the last quarter of an hour or so, nestling behind the sofa and expecting Plank at any moment to unmask me. It didn't occur to you to envisage what would happen if he met me?
Jeeves: I was sure that your keen intelligence would enable you to find a means of avoiding him, sir, as indeed it did. You concealed yourself behind the sofa?
Wooster: On all fours
Jeeves: A very shrew manoeuvre on your part, if I may say so, sir. It showed a resource and swiftness of thought which it would be difficult to overpraise.
Gotta love that Jeeves!

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